Fluke JackRapid专业压线安装工具,Harris插座打线刀
2007-05-29    安恒公司 产品部   
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Fluke JackRapid专业压线安装工具, Harris插座打线刀

采用革新技术的 JackRapid 压线器具有最新的兼容能力,为您带来超凡的生产率。

福禄克网络公司的 JackRapid 压线器支持 Systimax 和 Uniprise 插座,包括 Systimax Cat 5e、Uniprise Cat 6 和 Leviton Cat 5e。插座端接技术使您能以比传统冲击型工具快 8 倍的速度来方便地固定和端接插座。

一旦插座连接正确,JackRapid 可允许您一次压下扳手即可固定全部 8 条线缆。JackRapid 具有的内置刀片可切除固定在连接器中的多余线缆,而无需另外切断这些线缆头。在 1000 个插座的安装中,标准单线缆压线器大概需要 29 工时,平均工程成本约为 1445 美元。同样的安装工作,采用 JackRapid 只需约 10 小时,平均工程成本仅为 500 美元。与传统的单线缆压线器相比,JackRapid 可节省 2/3 的安装时间和成本。

  • 大量降低打线时间和难度,同时剪掉插座上的8条线
  • 高质量的打线, 不会对插座产生磨损
  • 创新设计,可在靠近墙壁时轻松作业
  • 可更换的刀头,支持不同的插座型号
  • 18月保修(从出厂日起算) (不包括刀头)



型号 描述
10059600 JackRapid punchdown tool (for Leviton 41106, 41108, 5G108)
10059620 JackRapid punchdown tool (for Leviton 5G110, 61110)
10059630 JackRapid punchdown tool (for SYSTIMAX M1BH, C5, MPS100E, and Uniprise jacks: UNJ300, UNJ500, UNJ600)
10059640 JackRapid punchdown tool (for SYSTIMAX MGS400, MGS500)

型号 描述
10059601 JackRapid replacement blade head (for Leviton 41106, 41108, 5G108)
10059602 JackRapid replacement blade head (for Leviton 5G110, 61110)
10059603 JackRapid replacement blade head (for SYSTIMAX M1BH, C5, MPS100E, and Uniprise jacks: UNJ300, UNJ500, UNJ600)
10059604 JackRapid replacement blade head (for SYSTIMAX MGS400, MGS500)


JackRapid 兼容性

  • JackRapid Leviton刀片(黑色),支持以下 Leviton 插座:41106、41108(Cat 3/Cat 5)和 5G108(Cat 5e)
  • JackRapid Systimax 和 Uniprise 刀片(红色)支持以下插座:Systimax:M1BH、C5、MPS100E 和 Uniprise:UNJ300、UNJ500 和 UNJ600
  • 新型刀片头正在开发中


Perfect terminations are easy with JackRapid – 7 easy steps

  1. Strip cable jacket.
  2. Determine wiring scheme. Dress all 4 pairs (8 wires).
  3. Insert jack in JackRapid front first with IDC slots facing blades of JackRapid.
  4. Ensure jack is completely and securely inserted in jack holder bed with IDC slots facing the blades.
  5. Pull trigger completely and remove excess wire prior to releasing trigger.
  6. Wires will be seated and cut for a solid termination.
  7. Release handle and remove jack from JackRapid tool. Visually verify proper termination.


Replaceable blade heads for use with multiple jack types

JackRapid blade heads are specific to certain jack types--check the list below to see if JackRapid supports the jacks you use, and if not, look for a new JackRapid version in the future!


描述 JackRapid型号

JackRapid Punchdown Tool
Leviton Jacks
Supports jack models: 41106, 41108 Cat3/5, 5G108 Cat5e

JackRapid Blade Head
Leviton Jacks
Supports jack models: Supports jack models: 41106, 41108 Cat3/5, 5G108 Cat5e
JackRapid Punchdown Tool
Leviton Jacks
Supports jack models: 5G110 Cat 5e, 61110 Cat 6
JackRapid Blade Head
Leviton Jacks
Supports jack models: Supports jack models: 5G110 Cat 5e, 61110 Cat 6
JackRapid Punchdown Tool
Supports jack models: M1BH Cat 3, C5 Cat 5, MPS100E Cat 5e  
JackRapid Blade Head
Supports jack models: M1BH Cat 3, C5 Cat 5, MPS100E Cat 5e  
JackRapid Punchdown Tool
Supports jack models: MGS400 Cat 6, MGS500 Cat 6
JackRapid Blade Head
Supports jack models: MGS400 Cat 6, MGS500 Cat 6
JackRapid Punchdown Tool
Uniprise Jacks
Supports jack models: UNJ300 Cat 3, UNJ500 Cat 5e, UNJ600 Cat 6
JackRapid Blade Head
Uniprise Jacks
Supports jack models: UNJ300 Cat 3, UNJ500 Cat 5e, UNJ600 Cat 6
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